Current edition

The 30th edition of  International Conference on Information and Documentation Systems will be held in hybrid format (online and face-to-face), on the 1nd, 2nd and 3th of October, 2025 in the Humanities Library “María Moliner” of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts of the University of Zaragoza (Spain).

Ibersid 2025 is now  open for contributions. Read the instructions for papers, communications and other activities if you are interested in proposing any of them.

Ibersid accepts both oral presentations for public discussion and papers for formal publication in the journals Ibersid y Scire, referred in Scopus, Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI), LISA, LISTA, LATINDEX, CINDOC y DIALNET.  They must provide a new and original contribution  to the state of the art in their field. Literature reviews are welcomed providing they improve the last one published in their field and encompass objectively the literature and scientific knowledge in their area.


Ibersid 2025 is now  open for contributions. Read the instructions for papers, communications and other activities if you are interested in proposing any of them.



Would you have any doubt about the suitability of your proposal, or about its place in the programme, please contact the organization, sending the authors, title, abstract, keywords and any other information or documentation that you may consider relevant.


Postal address

  • Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
  • C/ Pedro Cerbuna 12
  • ES-50.009 Zaragoza
  • Spain


  • Int. + 34 976 762239


  • Int. + 34 976 761506
