Only original papers that make substantial contributions to the state of the art on theoretical aspects, methodologies or research results should be published. If you only wish to discuss your work in progress or needing further discussion, please submit and oral presentation.
If you are interested in having your papers or communications published in the journals Ibersid or Scire, send your proposal through the journal website for peer review and eventual publication. Follow the instructions specified there.
It is imperative to attach a letter with the autograph signature of all the coauthors stating their commitment to participate with the specified title in the terms of the call: that the work is original, has not been published or is intended to be published in another place; will be presented in person by one of the authors; and meets the criteria of scientific honesty, that is, that data have not been falsified and that all the relevant sources and references are properly cited. Finally, briefly justify the paper contribution to the state of the art, whether theoretical, methodological, evidential or applied.
In addition it is necessary to attach a document with the contact details and ID or passports of all the authors, specifying clearly who will present the paper, who will participate in the congress or who will only be a co-author.
The full text of the contributions shall conform to the conference standards, as well as to the usual conventions of scientific writing. Papers and communications can be presented in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Do not include the authors’ names in the document that will be used in the peer review process under the double-blind system.
Publication templates
- Use this template. Once finished, upload it to the Scire website or Ibersid website, according to its subject.